Food is awesome!

Food is awesome!
Food is awesome! (photos on this blog are borrowed from the interweb, friends, and/or are personal shots)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dinner Failure

Hey!  It happens to the the best of us.  Right?  Right! 

I am about to make peach cobbler for the first time.  Gotta do something to make up for the disaster of a dinner I made on this beautiful Indian Summer evening.  Plus I heart peach cobbler and have been dying for some.  Psyched that it's nice enough to grill out and that I got some great color yesterday but I more than ready for Autumn.  Love the fall and the cool crisp air.  Ahhhh. 

We had been looking forward to some grilled ribs since last week and I promised my dad-in-law some well deserved left overs.  To accompany them I sliced and diced a fresh garden salad with loads of feta because everything is betta with feta.  And I threw a couple of potatoes on the grill which were baked to perfection.  The main entree was looking really awesome.  Even the wee pieces I ripped off for the hubs and I to sample were scrumptious.  I was super excited.  All I knew was that two racks of ribs were about to be destroyed. 

After slobbering on some Sticky Fingers BBQ sauce and heating the ribs a bit longer, I was so hungry my mouth was watering.  The hubs chopped them up and we dug in.  DRY is an understatement.  The rub and sauce were delish but the meat tasted like cardboard.  FAIL.  After some discussion and choking down two more ribs, I deducted the problema.  The grill temperature was was too high and/or I cooked them about 1/2 hour too long.  So if you have been paying attention and read my dry rib rub recipe, decrease the cook time to an hour and fifteen minutes/half hour at 300 degrees.  MY B!

We were disappointed but at least the ribs were edible.  Combined with the sides, we both ate our fill.  I will stick to concocting the rubs and sauces and leave the rib grilling to the hubs.  Obv, it's not my thing.  We can't be fabulous all day, every day.  At least I have peach cobbler to look forward.  That is if the hubs ever brings home the sliced peaches.  Will let ya know! 

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