Food is awesome!

Food is awesome!
Food is awesome! (photos on this blog are borrowed from the interweb, friends, and/or are personal shots)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mother/Daughter Weekend 2011

Looking back at my blog, I can't believe it has been over a week since my last entry.  Well.  What can I say?  Tis' the busy life of a happy housewife.  HA!  So much eating has gone on since 'My Best Lasagna Yet' post.

On Thursday evening which also happened to be the Marine Corp Birthday, the hubs and I met up with some pretty cool friends of ours.  We shared a delicious dinner and vino at Delfino in Roslindale and then a drink at Birch Street Bistro.  Good times!  And scrumptious. 

Friday began what we in my family refer to as mother/daughter weekend.  It is an annual event which occurs on Veteran's Day weekend that we have been enjoying for over 25 years.  The roster consists of most of the females on my madre's side of the family.  Aunts and cousins, etc.  Imagine about 20 women give or take a few, ages ranging from 15 to 71 in the SAME house for a whole weekend?   
Awesomeness and drama llama are the words.  We LOVE it.  Most of the fam live in and around the Boston area now so we rotate the settings each year.  One family does have to travel from Florida.  But it's all good.  We wouldn't miss it for the world. 

The weekend originated way back when so all of us could get together once a year and start our Christmas Shopping.  Over the years, there is much less shopping and way more hanging out and catching up.  And while we sit and reminisce and chat, we EAT.  We seriously start consuming food from the moment we step into the house.  It is like Heaven on earth. 

The first night we indulged in some munchies and some meatball, ham and cheese, and Italian calzones, wing dings, and pizza from a local joint in Dorchester.  YUM!  We drank beer, wine, and champagne and had a good old time playing card games and being crazy. 

Saturday was the feast day.  Most of the chicks went shopping downtown in the afternoon and some of us chilled and did local errands.  I did end up scoring a cute black and white ruffly sweater from my aunt and a new Townies gray zip up from my uncle (  Word.  For lunch, dinner, and dessert, we had everything.  From my awesome kielbasa to stuffed shrooms, tasty chili, chips and dip, guacamole and homemade salsa, candy galore, brownies, muffins, cookies, veggies and dip, juicy ham, scalloped potatoes, my mother's homemade meatballs and sauce, fresh rolls, sour and dill pickles, and macaroni salad.  Not necessarily in that order and I am sure I am forgetting something but we all sure did get our fill.  And we were/are nice enough to allow the men of our family to come over and join us for the big comida.  The meatballs made by the General are a definite staple at any function our family is hosting.  The sauce is to die for and the meatballs melt in your mouth.  People honestly stand in line around the crockpot until they are given the green light.  They are that good. 

This year we even had family visiting on holiday from Ireland.  It was quite lovely.  Besides looking forward to visiting with my cousins, aunts and their families, you all know I totally look forward to the selection of food.  There is always something new to try each year and there's always the essentials which are a must.  All of us girls have a great time socializing, making fun of each other, laughing, at times, crying, joking, and mocking.  We are truly blessed.  Especially to have such great cooks in our familia! 

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