Food is awesome!

Food is awesome!
Food is awesome! (photos on this blog are borrowed from the interweb, friends, and/or are personal shots)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Putting a Thomas' English Muffin to Good Use

Everybody loves a Thomas' English Muffin.  The nooks and crannies hold all the awesomeness for us to enjoy.  Put some butter and raspberry jam or some peanut butter or maybe even some cream cheese on a toasted one and you are good to go.  MMM.

When the hubs is at work, I don't cook.  I am not going to prepare a huge, fabulous dinner for just lil' old me.  So I basically scavenge the house for something appealing and very simple to whip up.  After surveying my fridge and inhaling a Hershey's chocolate bar from the freezer, I came up with the best idea evah.  English muffin pizza!!

For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, you are totally missing out on one of mine and many other's favorite childhood memory related to food.  You simply take an English muffin and cut it in half.  Spoon on a light layer of your favorite tomato sauce, sprinkle some garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper on the top.  Throw on some shredded cheese (usually mozzarella) or you could go old school and quarter up some American cheese slices and slap them on.  Bake in toaster oven at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes or until the cheese gets bubbly. 

You can add and subtract the spices and sauces.  I would have added some chopped onions and/or peppers if I wasn't too lazy to cut them up.  Pepperoni is a great topping and so is thinly sliced sausages.  The mini delights can be enjoyed by people with all different tastes because you can make it to your liking.  And everyone can make their very own.  Great activity for kids, too.  So easy and delish and strangely filling.  YUM!

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